Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Update--What's been happening...

For those who follow my blog, you may have noticed that I've been MIA (missing in action) for about a month. This is because I've been busy with the "business" of photography. Yes, the "business" side of things certainly does nothing for my "creative" side, (I've missed my picture making,) but a successful photography business requires attention away from the creative side and winter is a good time to learn new techniques and software, check out the new photo labs and products to enhance my business, get taxes prepared and so this is what I've been doing lately.

I recently attended a photography seminar, which proved to be enlightening. I had no idea there would be so many professional photographers in our area, enough to fill a room of 450 of us!

With Spring upon us, you should be seeing some fresh new photos. I've been learning new software, which will enhance your photos based on my own style (every photographer has a style--ya' know :-)

The beauty of this business are the people I meet and the images I create, both for my clients and my personal projects, as well as the learning and growing as a photographer--finding my style and my voice as a photographer has been challenging at times, but also very rewarding. I wouldn't change a thing.

Looking forward a great spring and summer ahead!

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